Hello parents, I trust everyone is enjoying their holiday. Here is a message from Coach Blow.
Next week's practice will be on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday.
Also if you have not expressed to me if you will be USATF, AAU or both you have until 10pm to get me that information or he will make the decision for you. Thank you to those who have already replied. Fees for either of these meets will be due on Tuesday. He would like for you all to do both meets with an emphasis on USATF. If I don't have your information I can't enter your child in the meet. Thanks and enjoy the rest of your holiday.
Next week's practice will be on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday.
Also if you have not expressed to me if you will be USATF, AAU or both you have until 10pm to get me that information or he will make the decision for you. Thank you to those who have already replied. Fees for either of these meets will be due on Tuesday. He would like for you all to do both meets with an emphasis on USATF. If I don't have your information I can't enter your child in the meet. Thanks and enjoy the rest of your holiday.